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Docsafe – a safe haven for accountants

Even though Docsafe is used by many different professional sectors, our main market is accountants. We designed the concept of secure communications and a robust client portal with accountants in mind – to cater for the transmission of sensitive data that is characteristic of all accountancy firms.

Over the past twenty years we’ve also branched out to include all sorts of professionals – property, legal, financial – in fact any business operating with clients. But… we’ve always remained loyal to our loyal accountancy clients.

At a time when secure communications are at the top of every firm’s agenda, it makes sense to use a tried and tested platform. After all, we’ve been around for well over twenty years and hundreds of accountants use Docsafe for safely communicating confidential information. As it never actually leaves the portal, the human element of sender error is eliminated.

Mike Couzens, Docsafe MD, has an accountancy background so he understands the needs of accountants and their clients from both perspectives. Creating Docsafe was borne out of a desire to make something really special, big enough to invest in and scale up but also small enough to listen and onboard client feedback.

Mike realised that Docsafe needed to be able to fulfil a function that made clients feel looked after whilst releasing the accountant from admin and unnecessary face-to-face time.

Docsafe means that clients can access their information, follow the trail of outstanding actions, sign off online and get on with their day jobs. Accountants can take advantage of this to focus on the (chargeable) specialist, clever stuff they enjoy. Admin is less profitable so it makes sense for the client to be able to get in the driving seat for that.

We hear time and again that the updates and upgrades that Docsafe offers on a regular basis make a big difference to how users can streamline their processes. Some of the updates might be minor but if it helps smarter working, we’re all for it!

For accountants (here are the headlines) Docsafe is the ultimate client portal because:

• It offers an amazing array of online signing features

• Docsafe facilitates safe and secure exchange of sensitive documents

• It means you can collaborate on a single document within the portal – no need for several copies to be in circulation

• You can store and access documents whenever you like

• It reduces admin time for both parties

• You can add in extras such as a payroll function so employees access their pay information online (with nothing in an email that could go amiss)

• Outstanding items/actions are easy to identify

• A full audit trail exists showing all actions taken

There’s a lot more to say but this summary covers the main points. If you’re an accountant with a practice of any size at all, talk to us and see how Docsafe can make a big difference to the way you and your clients communicate.