Accountants Data security GDPR Online signing Secure communications

The rising popularity of online signing

Over the past decade, digital signatures have completely transformed the way we do business. Signing online is fast, efficient, and easy – saving time and cutting out the hassle of printing, signing and scanning (and we are not even mentioning the slow pace and rising cost of posting!). But it’s not just about convenience, digital […]

Accountants Branded Docsafe Data security product news Secure communications

How Docsafe is a valuable organisational asset

Organisation is key to managing professional relationships, especially when documents need to be shared, signed, and stored efficiently. Docsafe is designed to make this process effortless, allowing businesses to set up a tailored folder structure for their clients. With everything stored in one secure portal, backed up automatically, both you and your clients can work […]

Data security Online presence Online signing Secure communications

Docsafe’s Top 5 attractions

We have spoken to a few of our clients recently to find out how they rate Docsafe and also to understand what they consider to be an indispensable part of the Docsafe portal. The results are in and make for interesting reading! Organisation Surprisingly – and something we don’t really think to mention – is […]

Data security Secure communications

Docsafe for successful collaboration

When you’re working with multiple people on a single project, one of the main challenges is version control. You know how it goes… you send an email with a draft attached, wait for feedback, and before you know it, you’ve got a dozen different versions floating around in inboxes. Which version is the final one? […]

Data security GDPR Secure communications Work from anywhere

Never again send email attachments to the wrong person

One of the standout reasons that makes Docsafe an easy choice lies in one of its most simple features. It’s impossible to send an email attachment to the wrong person. It’s such a regular thing that people do by mistake (we are human after all) and, on the whole, an innocent ‘Oops, sorry that was […]

Accountants Data security Online signing product news Secure communications

Docsafe – a safe haven for accountants

Even though Docsafe is used by many different professional sectors, our main market is accountants. We designed the concept of secure communications and a robust client portal with accountants in mind – to cater for the transmission of sensitive data that is characteristic of all accountancy firms. Over the past twenty years we’ve also branched […]

Accountants Data security Online signing Secure communications

How Docsafe matches our clients’ wishlists

We conducted some informal research among our most recent new clients to find out how they arrived at the decision to adopt Docsafe – specifically to understand what was top of their lists in their search for a secure client portal. What we discovered wasn’t a huge surprise. Firstly, they were looking for a straightforward […]

Accountants Branded Docsafe Data security Lawyers Online signing Secure communications

Positioning Docsafe within the professional sector

We have been around for some time now. We work predominantly with professionals in the world of accounting, finance, property and law. As a secure client portal that places online signing and communications at the heart of everything we do it’s important to understand where Docsafe sits when you’re looking at your options. We won’t […]

Data security Online signing Secure communications

Is signing online legally acceptable?

[An updated Docsafe article based on our original from 2020] An e-signature is used in any situation that is facilitated by an electronic device to create an agreement between two or more parties. Basically you sign digitally, using your device, instead of with a traditional pen. It is becoming more commonplace and an increasingly acceptable […]

Data security Online signing Secure communications

Who uses Docsafe – our secure client portal?

Docsafe has been in use for over 20 years and was originally designed to meet a need for accountants who were reluctant to fully embrace the digital revolution – with good reason. Whilst the first email was sent over 40 years ago, with daily email exchange becoming more commonplace from the late 80s and early […]