A Docsafe concept that is really useful to understand is how the documents you store in the portal don’t go anywhere. You access the portal to upload documents and there they stay – safely – and only accessed by approved contacts. Unless you’ve used an online portal before it’s a simple but incredibly important part of the Docsafe process to appreciate.
Within Docsafe you can set up secure spaces for your own clients to access. So if you’re working in the financial sector for example, let’s say as an accountant, you can set up an account for each of your clients.
Upload the documents you need to. Continuing our example, imagine it’s a set of accounts. If there are several pdfs involved you can merge them together into one neat set.
Once you have done this, you grant access to the people who you want to be able to access the information. They can go to Docsafe, sign in, find the document and undertake any actions required.
Any actions are clearly listed and easy to work through. An audit trail will show who has looked at different documents and which actions are outstanding. This audit trail is invaluable at helping you to manage your workflow at a glance.
Collaborating on information together is so easy because everyone involved collaborates on the single stored document. Changes are made to it centrally. Version control is no longer an issue as several copies of the same information aren’t flying around the ether confusing everyone!
If you need signatures on the document Docsafe comes into its own. Signing in the portal is simple yet offers real sophistication. You can invite multiple signatories. You can request a specific order of signing if needed. The places to sign are highlighted with coloured tabs. There are many other clever functions of our online signing. And again any outstanding signatures are clear to see.
Once your document has served its immediate purpose it continues to stay in the portal, safely stored. Automatic backups also make life easier and offer peace of mind.
The beauty of this simple premise is that the document, which may contain sensitive or confidential information, is never emailed. We all know how often emails are sent in error or subjected to hackers.
Using Docsafe ensures you protect your professionalism and reputation. It demonstrates how you operate, prioritising your clients’ needs and security. It also ticks all the boxes for the legal profession which shows how robust and reliable it is.
It really is all about one document in one place, accessed by multiple people. Ask us if you’d like a demo or to trial the system yourself, free of charge, for 3 months.