Users of docSAFE will be very pleased with three significant developments in yesterday’s new release. The first one being that you won’t receive any more updates that need you to do anything – all updates will happen automatically! We’ll update everything from our central location, meaning that you won’t have anything further to install yourself. Anything that saves you time and hassle has got to be bonus! A regular issue we’ve encountered is resetting passwords for your clients. Historically, and for a number of reasons, we have always done this for you. However you are now able to reset your clients’ passwords yourselves – giving you greater control and less reliance on us. We’ve always aimed to do these kinds of things immediately but it sometimes isn’t possible. This way, you can reset passwords as you get the request. We think this will provide a far greater level of client care for your own clients. The third update is the fact that you can now choose any combination of files to download in one go, reducing your admin burden and making life quicker and more efficient.
- All updates will happen automatically – nothing for you to install
- You can reset your clients’ passwords
- You can choose any combination of files to download in one go
We’ve listened to you, the users, and recognised a pattern of requests that we have received and responded in the only way we know how – to make docSAFE even better! If course, we are here for you if you have any issues you need us to look at, including working with any of the new features we have described.