Having the ability to work from home is no longer just a nice, useful option, it’s become absolutely essential. However, even given a normal set of circumstances, being able to work from home gives employers an additional layer of flex that can be used at a moment’s notice. Sometimes your team might not be able to get to work but they are perfectly able to carry out their roles, given the right technology. It’s one of the reasons we developed docSAFE, to give you the ability to work from wherever you are, accessing documents in the cloud. Then we took it further – constantly over the past decade or so – and added an array of functionality that makes docSAFE a good choice for working from anywhere in the world. docSAFE is a secure client portal – a cloud-based hub – where you can safely store and retrieve documents. You can give your clients access to selected areas of docSAFE so they can access their documents too. The security levels are extremely high, multi-layered and continuously updated. We added the ability to sign online – legal and traceable – so you can skip non-essential meetings (great right now) or waiting for the post. It speeds things up and makes everything more efficient and slicker. You can also see, quickly and easily, who hasn’t signed so you can chase them up easily. You can upload and send multiple documents in one neat pdf which is another tick for professionalism. One of the most important features is the way using docSAFE to communicate documents negates the need for email. Email is not secure and really shouldn’t be used to send or receive anything important, confidential or sensitive. Human error is one of the most common ways to send things to the wrong people but don’t underestimate the hackers who are growing increasingly sophisticated. And finally we added an assurance of getting docSAFE ISO accredited – a series of checks and guarantees that it does exactly what we offer, with all of the security layers you need for peace of mind. So when you are working from home, or setting up your teams to work from home, consider docSAFE as a tried and tested way of communicating, storing, collaborating and sending information. Ask us for a demo. We can set it up within 24 hours and it costs very little per month, from as low as £50, depending on the number of users and space you need.
Why working from home is your new superpower