Accountants Lawyers Online signing Secure communications

The top 5 reasons to sign online with Docsafe

Our online signing function draws many new clients to Docsafe. It is ingenious, even if we say so ourselves. So what is so special about our online signing compared to some other products available? Well, we believe that the answer to that lies in the fact that we primarily work with the professions. By offering […]

Accountants Branded Docsafe Online presence product news Secure communications

Why docSAFE works for every business

It’s hard to imagine a business that wouldn’t benefit from docSAFE. With the MD’s accountancy background it was originally designed for accountants – and then gradually opened up to other professions. We challenged ourselves at docSAFE HQ with the notion that it actually works for everyone, regardless of sector. Quite simply if you communicate with […]